Wednesday, April 9, 2008


When we got to the top of Cocovan the clouds that were hovering up there broke away so we had another breathtaking view.


This is the Ipanipa Beach about which the song was written. You can see several surfers in the bottom right of the picture.
This is Copa Cabana Beach. Each beach as their own special sidewalk pattern. Practically all the sidewalks in Rio were patterned mosaics.

Our last stop of the day was going up to the top of the highest mountain where the Christ statute was located. This is the little cable train that took us there.

Rio de Janeiro

This is a picture of Sugar Loaf from teh 1/2 way point. We were told monkeys live in the foliage between the two sections.

Rio de Janeiro is one of the most beautiful cities of the world. Here are the views from Sugar Loaf Mountain. In the center you can see Ipanipa Beach.

In the top left of this picture we were able to see the famous Cristo statue overlooking the city. You can also see the cable car we took--actually two cable cars that took us to the top of Sugar Loaf.

Buenos Aires

You will recognize the Presidential Palace in Buenos Aires, Argentina where Evita sang from the balcony.

Street views in Buenos Aires

This is a picture taken at the soccer stadium in Rio de Janeiro. Alan and Steve pretended they were players for the photo.

On the cruise

We sailed through the fiords of Chile, seeing several glaciers.

This is Cape Horn--the southern most rock formation in South American. At this very point we went from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic.

Punta Arenas

We visited Punta Arenas in Chile where there are lots of penguins.

This is the town. We were standing in front of an LDS ward building to take this picture.


The Chilean country side was gorgeous! You could see the German influence in architecture everywhere.

Chile is known for their beautiful rivers as well as the mountains of the Andes.


This a view from our Marriott Hotel room. Santiago is such a beautiful city!
While we were checking in, the soccer team from Argentina arrived in the lobby. Many people were approaching the players for autographs. There are beautiful parks. On the hill in the distance there is a famous Madonna guarding the city.
Alan in front of the Presidential Palace

Here is our suite that the hotel up-graded us to. There is also a bedroom to the left and a bathroom bigger than our living room.

Cruise in South America-2008

Alan and Janice took a cruise from Santiago, Chile, around Cape Horn, then north to Argentina and Brazil. We had a great time with Diane and Wes Homolik and also Mary Jane and Steve Grow.